flash drives

Ladies’ Retreat Recordings

This year we are offering flash drives of the recordings for the Ladies’ Retreat. CDs are no longer being offered.

Each flash drive will include all speakers and a selection of the music sung at Ladies’ Retreat. Individual recordings are not being offered this year.

If you are interested in purchasing a flash drive, please fill out an order envelope on the table in the foyer.

  • Please include your first and last name.

  • How many copies you would like

  • Flash drives are $20 each.

  • If you wish to pay via cash or check, please include it in the envelope. (Make check payable to FAC Highlands)

  • If you would like to pay via credit card, please see Bro. Joshua Wright at the front office.

  • If you will not be able to pick up the flash drive, please include your mailing address and $5 for shipping.

  • Flash drives will be ready approximately 1 hour after the last service of Ladies’ Retreat.

  • Please place your order envelope in the basket provided at the foyer table.